Is choosing ADSL broadband a smart decision?

High-end technology is enhancing connectivity and speed of life in this modern age. The internet, mobile devices and technology have increased the desire of remaining connected with the rest of the world. To achieve that, you will need a high-speed broadband internet connection or ADSL broadband.

ADSL Broadband Australia
Are unsure about ADSL broadband? Then you should read this.

What is ADSL broadband and how it works?

ADSL is the abbreviation of Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. It usually works with the help of a landline telephone where the analog signals of the phone are converted into digital signals. This results in the high-speed internet for the user and does not affect the functionality of the phone in any way.

Our experience in the industry

We at V4 Telecom have been offering ADSL broadband for more a long period and are considered to be a reliable and reputed service provider in Australia. In our years in the industry, we have come across quite a few clients who were indecisive about their decisions of choosing ADSL over the other available options.

The points of benefit

To help with that, our team of experts has come up with this list of benefits of ADSL broadband connection which will help in making a decision.

  • ADSL is the connection that offers high-speed connection despite depending on a landline telephone.
  • Unlike the traditional dial-up connection, you can use both the phone and the internet at the same time. The voice and data work in separate bands and channels which makes both internet surfing and talking on the phone possible and eliminates the problem of dropped calls.
  • The ADSL broadband connection will come with a fixed monthly cost which will help with budget and all over monthly expenses.
  • There is no need for extra or new wiring as the ADSL connection will use the existing telephone line. This means savings of both time and money unless the operator you are choosing needs to build the infrastructure to provide the service.
  • In ADSL broadband connection, you don’t have to start the connection by dialing to the network. Instead, a switched network architecture will establish the connection.
  • Uploading and downloading large files, viewing and sending real time audio and video files, video conferencing and such will become simpler and faster which will be highly beneficial for a business.


In short, if you were worried that choosing the ADSL broadband connection won’t be a smart enough decision, then the above-mentioned points will put that doubt to rest and choose better.

For more such useful information, kindly follow us on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter. We will be happy to help. For accessing high-speed, internet broadband, switch to V4 Telecom Australia today and choose from our deals on NBN and ADSL.

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